Privacy policy

1. General provisions

This document defines the privacy policy of EVVA.SPACE Service (hereinafter – the “Service“) in ensuring the security of personal data and it’s processing and is valid for all personal data processed by «LABORATORY 13» LLC (INN 7453340826, hereinafter – the “Administration“) in the course of its activities.

Administration provides confidentiality and security of personal data at their processing in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

At processing of personal data Administration observes principles and rules of processing of personal data, and other requirements provided by the Federal law of the Russian Federation from 27.07.2006 № 152-FZ “About personal data”.

1.1 Basic definitions of this section of the Policy:

1.1.1. Processing of personal data – any action with personal data performed, including with the use of a computer;

1.1.2. De-identification of personal data – any action resulting in inability to determine, without the use of additional information, what personal data belongs to a particular User or other person;

1.1.3. Dissemination of personal data – any action which results in disclosure of personal data to an indefinite circle of persons;

1.1.4. Provision of personal data – any actions resulting in disclosure of personal data to a certain circle of persons;

1.1.5. Destruction of personal data – any actions resulting in irretrievable destruction of personal data on a computer or any other media.

2. Principles of personal data processing by the Administration

2.1. Processing of personal data by the Administration is based on the following principles:

  • Legitimacy of the purposes and methods of personal data processing and good faith;
  • Depersonalization of data for the Administration;
  • Compliance of the purposes of personal data processing with the purposes, predetermined and stated at collection of personal data, as well as with the authorities;
  • Compliance of the volume and nature of processed personal data, methods of personal data processing with the purposes of personal data processing;
  • Reliability of personal data, their relevance and sufficiency for the purposes of processing, inadmissibility of processing redundant in relation to the purpose of collecting personal data;
  • The Administration does not transfer Personal Data to third parties and does not use them for its own purposes;
  • Legality of organizational and technical measures to ensure security of personal data;
  • Striving to continuously improve the system of protection of personal data.

3. Measures applied by the Administration in the processing of personal data.

3.1. When processing personal data, the Administration, at its discretion, will take the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures for their protection against unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution of personal data, as well as against other unlawful actions in relation to personal data, including:

  • Determines threats to security of personal data during its processing in personal data information systems;
  • Applies organizational and technical measures to ensure security of personal data, including during its processing in personal data information systems, necessary to meet the requirements for the protection of personal data, implementation of which ensures the levels of protection of personal data established by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • Applies the duly established procedure for evaluation of compliance with the information protection tools;
  • Evaluates the effectiveness of measures taken to ensure the security of personal data prior to the commissioning of the information system of personal data;
  • Ensures timely detection of unauthorized access to personal data and takes necessary measures to prevent such cases and eliminate their consequences;
  • Restores personal data that was modified or destroyed as a result of unauthorized access to it;
  • Establishes the rules of access to personal data processed in the information system of personal data, as well as ensures registration and accounting of all actions performed with personal data in the information system of personal data;
  • Ensures control over measures taken to ensure security of personal data and level of protection of personal data information systems.

3.2. Access to personal data, which is processed by the Administration, has only persons whose official functions include working with such information and documents. The Administration will transfer personal data to its employees in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and shall limit this information only to those personal data that are necessary for the purposes of personal data processing defined by its subjects.

3.3. The Administration shall be entitled to provide access to users’ personal data in cases where:

  • It is stipulated, permitted or required under the legislation of the Russian Federation to the person specified in the legislation;
  • The subject of personal data has given its consent to transfer of personal data to its recipient.

3.4 Administration does not transfer personal data of Users to third parties.

4. Types of processed data

4.1. The Administration processes the following data, including personal data:

  • Personal data of users of the website «»;
  • Standard data automatically obtained by the http-server when accessing the Internet-resource of the Service;
  • Standard data automatically obtained by the http-server when accessing the Internet resources of third parties;
  • Data filled in and sent by the Administration upon the initiative of users when registering and using the corresponding web-services of the Site and third-party web-services;
  • Data received by the Administration from partners and third parties through the use of OpenID and OAuth protocols;
  • Information automatically obtained when accessing online resources of the Service and stored on the browser side, including, but not limited to information contained in bookmarks (cookies).

5. Rights of subjects of personal data

5.1. The subject of personal data has the right to receive information about the processing of his personal data. He has the right to demand from the Administration to clarify these personal data, block or destroy them if they are incomplete, outdated, and inaccurate, illegally obtained or cannot be considered necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as to take statutory measures to protect his rights.

5.2. The subject’s right of access to his/her personal data may be restricted in accordance with federal laws, including if the subject’s access to his/her personal data violates the rights and legitimate interests of third parties.

5.3. The subject of personal data has the right to protect his/her rights and legitimate interests.

5.4. The subject of personal data has the right to appeal against actions or omissions of the Administration by appealing to the competent authority for the protection of the rights of subjects of personal data.

6. Feedback on the processing of personal data

If you have any additional questions or suggestions regarding this Policy, you may at any time contact the Administration by writing to the following address:

Contacts for subjects on the processing of personal data: 454071, Chelyabinsk region, Chelyabinsk, st. Geroev Tankograda, 100, apt. 4

Contact number
+7 (932) 238-47-49
Other ways to contact us